Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Blue Prints

Mike and I met at Tazzeria where I had just started working. I walked in carrying all my dreams in thrift store suitcase covered with 1970’s bright colors and floral designs. My mouth opened and I spewed out everything that I had thought up and stored up over the years, sounding I’m sure, more like one giant mess to Mike than a dream. “Lord! Please!” I prayed silently under my breath. “Please!!! Give me the words to say, please show him I am serious about this and that this is all for YOU, THIS IS ALL FOR YOU!!!!” I’m not sure what he really thought about my attempt to try to explain the dream that the Lord had given to me of running a coffee shop. “You see, it’s a coffee shop…I was thinking it would be awesome to have people donate different mugs…lectures and artists and music…I have this business plan I wrote in college…warm tone colors, and comfy couches…people helping each other learn new skills…” I wasn’t even making sense to MYSELF! Poor Mike he was kind enough to not think I was a crazy lady and walked me over to the church to meet a man named Don McClure. Now, my parents raised me to be able to hold my own, and I decided long ago that there was no reason why I should let someone intimidate me…to put it simply Don did. So you’re the coffee lady.” Don had heard about me from Mike apparently and after a brief informal interview Don pulled out the blue prints of what was to become 210. My jaw dropped open, and I pushed back the tears that had begun to well up in my eyes as I stood there leaning over Don’s desk…brick walls separated the music hall from the specked coffee shop location in the building…I remembered the journal entry from 2003 with this very vision of what I saw it looking like… I was sure this was project the Lord had called me too and prepared me for. Then Don explained, the in-reach services it would provide for the church…my heart sank a little… “Don, maybe I can’t be of help, like I thought I could, I mean I’ll give you my business plan and you are free to use any and or all of it…it’s just that the Lord has called me to be apart of an out-reach type of ministry involving churches, creating unity amongst believers and supporting the community around us. He responded, “Let’s meet this week, I want to see your business plan and hear what you have to say.” “Do you what me to just give you guys some idea’s for what you could do, or do you want me to present what the Lord has been stirring in me to start?” He answered, “I want to hear about what you want to do.” I went home to collect my thoughts, dreams, and 25 pages of a business plan.

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