Friday, September 14, 2007

You know it’s the Lord when it doesn’t make sense.

I was home from college for another Christmas break. I, of course, was trying to quit college again and found myself looking up culinary schools online, I figured learning how to bake might be a step in the right direction. “What about involving churches?” I heard the Lord speak gently to my heart. I, being inpatient at this point, didn’t respond so gently. “What do you mean ‘what about involving churches?’ What does that mean Lord, why won’t you explain yourself! Why do you only give me a piece of what you want me to do! Why don’t you just give me your full plan in its entirety? I don’t understand you! This is so frustrating, what churches? Where? How? Who do I talk to? Tell me! Please!” I waited for his answer, but I heard nothing more. I thought, ok Lord, you said, “What about involving churches?”, so I’ll do what every college kid does best, Google the answer. I had no idea where to begin or what city to involve churches in. I was left running on some rabbit trial that just led me into a sand trap of frustration. If Google didn’t have the answer I didn’t know who did. I mean, surly God was not calling me back to Visalia, too many people knew me there, they would never take me serious, and I’m sure over the years, I’ve made not so “Christian” decisions. So there I was again for the next few months before the end of my junior year, pondering, googling, and asking friends what they all thought it meant, all too soon discover that I had once again tried to figure it out, and do it on my own. This dream of mine was to much for me to dream alone, I needed someone to believe in me, besides the ‘ol Italians back home, someone to push me forward and “see” this coffee shop too! In walked Rachel Rosenberry, a kindred spirit type of girl that I had met my freshman year and though she had graduated we remained friends and she soon became my confidant, and my confidence. She I giggled and dreamed of our lives together and what they would look like once we had the coffee shop, and it wasn’t until she got married to Peter and moved to Japan that I realized she wasn’t supposed to be my partner in business but my partner in dreaming. Everyone needs someone to dream with, someone they trust with the silliest of ideas and someone to remind you of reality when the dreaming gets to cloudy. Thank you Rachel for walking me through my dream.

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