Sunday, September 23, 2007

IF…I DO jump, will there be pillows under me?

A new college age service had begun to gather together and met on Sunday nights at the Convention Center called Elevate. An old friend from high school had invited me on the first night it started and she was a month or so later, asking me again if I would like to join her. The church I go to (now called Radiant), at this time was still meeting on Sunday nights in different homes, I hated to miss fellowshipping with everyone, so I hesitantly declined her offer to go with her. Then I met John who had regularly attended Elevate and he for what ever reason mentioned to me out of the blue that the First Pres. Church was going to be opening a music venue and possibly a coffee shop at the old Bogart’s and Lulu’s. This was now the second time I had heard this. “yeah, I heard that! Where is the First Pres. Church located? And who can I talk to, I need to talk to someone about these ideas I have and give someone my business plan.” He tried his best to explain where the church was located but wasn’t to the point where I was ready to waltz into the church office… quite yet… so he invited me to go with him that Sunday night to Elevate to met a guy named Mike. “ Dude just come to Elevate Sunday night and talk to Mike he plays worship for them some nights and is a youth pastor at the Pres. Church, he’ll get you connected to Don, or who ever you need to talk to.” Two different invites for that night, and I new I was supposed to go. Of course I went…I saw John first at the door and he pointed Mike out to me on stage. “That’s him, just talk to him afterwards.” I was sooooo scared, I mean so many people had ignored my dream and hadn’t taken me serious for so long. I passed his wife Sarah who I realized later was someone I had gone to Jr. High with, as I approached the stage. I was going to give it a shot, I had nothing to lose, and even if I wasn’t taken seriously, or just sounded crazy again, no one could take this God given dream from me, even if I had to wait another seven years. “Hi, my name is Colette; I hear the First Pres. Church might have some plans to have a coffee shop in the near future. I’ve written this business plan, and it’s been a dream for a long time of mine to start something like this, I was wondering if I could meet with you, or someone at the church sometime to share some of my ideas with you guys.” “That sounds awesome, yeah lets met up.” And just like that, after 7 years my first door cracked opened.

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