Friday, September 14, 2007

my first one

Today, Aug. 23, 2007 the original, still standing, one hundred year old brick box located on the corner of Center and Locust St. is no longer the only thing sunbathing in the hot summer sun of Visalia. Yes, sunlight still streams through the torn off rough of the old bar building, but today, nailed together 2 x 4’s separate the bathrooms from the lounge, the concert venue from the cafĂ©, and an office from a conference room. 210, named after its own address, is beginning to take form. For years, folks at the Presbyterian Church have been twisting and turning the lines and measurements on blueprinted paper to create just the right feel for a community with so much heart. As for me, I’ve dreamed and believed this day would come, but seeing with my own eyes has started Indiana Jones type theme music in my head. “Dun da dun dahh dun da dahhhhh…”! You know what I’m talking about… I guess before I just jump into writing random things and hoping someone somewhere, on or off the clock is reading these, I should give a little background about me, and how I got to 210. This is my first Blog or “Brick” of many to be written by me. Other people are going to be writing too, so I hope you enjoy reading the road map of peoples lives, current thoughts, and past experiences that has led us some how together to helping shape 210.

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