Friday, September 14, 2007

You can talk the talk but can you walk the…plank?

It was my last year of college, my roommates of 3 and 5 years, by this point, became my sisters, and I for the first time was not ready to leave the comfort of school. Graduation, along with a birds nest push, we found ourselves just months away from being flung into the world and into our futures. I needed a few more random credits to be able to graduate. To my surprise they were offering an “Entrepreneurship” class… I wasn’t even really sure what an entrepreneur was, but I was going to learn how to write a business plan…my coffee shop business plan, these were credits worth counting. Three of my girlfriends were business majors in the class and saved my life, the final assignment in the class was of course writing a business plan, and to my benefit it was a group project. “Colette you want to write a business plan for your coffee shop huh.” Just like every other friend, they new my agenda and didn’t dare stand in the way. My dream for the first time was written and presented to a large group. I stood in front of the group explaining and selling my “plan” to the class… “God is my niche.” A room full of students at a Christian college looked at me dumb founded. “It’s a secular coffee shop, with a Christian undertone.” I paused a while and then started again. “I want to unify the churches of a community to come together to pray and support one other on neutral ground allowing the coffee shop to be a home base for prayer and outreach. No crosses on the walls, no pews for seating, a safe place for people to connect and be loved, and of course drink coffee.” I looked at them as they stared back at me. I was sure the Lord would put someone in the class who had the same passion as me, someone who knew the business part of starting a coffee shop. You see, like I said before, I’m stubborn, and the Lord knows it. No one from the class confronted me with a similar excitement and passion of wanting to start a coffee shop of this kind…I was feeling disheartened. So, I prayed…again. “Lord, I don’t understand all the logistics of starting a coffee shop, I don’t understand numbers and charts, nor do I want to try to learn how…I just want to design and run it, I need you to send me someone who knows how to start this thing, please send me someone! I want to do your will, and I believe that this is it!”

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